What To Do In The First Few Moments Of a Car Accident

Think Before You Act 

If you’ve been in a car accident, then you know the fear and shock that comes with it. Adrenaline rushes through your body, altering your state of mind, numbing your body from pain, and impairing the critical decisions you make within the first few minutes of being in a car accident. But the first few minutes are pivotal. Do you get out of the car? Or do you wait for help? Any slight movement could worsen an injury or paralyze you. 

There are so many things to consider when it comes to car accidents, but it’s important to be prepared for the worst. In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about what you should do within the first minutes of being in a car accident, and what you can do to help someone. With first aid knowledge and a few tips and tricks on how to think smart and act quickly, your chances of saving your life and the life of somebody else are inevitably higher. 

accident broken car

Preparing For a Car Accident, Let’s Talk About Fight and Flight 

Nobody wants to prepare for an accident. It can almost feel like we’re anticipating it. But the truth is, it’s important to be prepared and know what to do in a dangerous situation. Car accidents can happen to anyone, even the best of drivers, so it’s wise to educate yourself on what you can do in such a situation where time is of the essence. In moments of fear and shock, it can be difficult to gauge what the right thing to do is. 

Everybody has a fight or flight response to trauma. Some people have a fight response  while others have a flight response. Those who fight attempt to remove themselves from situations immediately with little to no hesitation or thought. And those who have the flight response tend to freeze and remain where they are until helped.

Unfortunately, there is no better response when it comes to car accidents. Fight and flight hold both pro’s and con’s. For example, if you remove yourself from a vehicle without any help, you risk injuring yourself or worsening your already existing injuries. But if you stay in the vehicle you risk the chance of getting trapped in a fire. 

Typically, when car accidents occur, medical and professional help is on the way within minutes, chances are you won’t have much time to make a decision of whether or not you should exit or remain in the vehicle.

Let’s Talk About First Aid: The Basic C’s and P’s To Remember When Helping Someone In a Car Accident

Have you ever witnessed a car accident? The urge to help but the fear of not knowing how to can be a terrifying experience leaving you guilty and helpless. In the midst of an emergency, it can be difficult to think clearly or strategically. Training your brain to act quickly and efficiently in stressful, high-pressure situations can only do more good than harm. There are three basic C’s and P’s to remember when attempting to help somebody in a critical situation: 

The Three C’s of Emergency: Check, Call, and Care


This means checking for anything unsafe. If the emergency is surrounded by danger, further assistance may be needed. Running into a scene without taking precautions may lead to more harm for yourself or others. It’s important to take the evolution of the scene. Once you have assessed the scene and it is safe, check if the victim is breathing.


In emergency situations, it’s important to call 911 immediately. As a first responder, you must act right away to get help from professionals. Inspect the scene, gather important or helpful information. If a car accident is in the woods, the chances of a fire are automatically increased. If the car accident is on the highway, the chances of another car hitting the wrecked car are automatically increased. Provide the correct information for paramedics and get them involved as soon as possible. 


After checking the scene and calling for help, provide care until medical professionals arrive on the scene. Monitor victims’ breathing or attempt to stop bleeding. You may need to perform CPR. Follow the circulation-airway-breathing of first aid below.

 steering wheel of a broken car

The Three P’s of First Aid: Preserve life, Prevent Deterioration, and Promote Recovery  

Preserve life

As a first responder to any situation, your first priority is to preserve life. Start with C-A-B: circulation, airway, and breathing. Assess the quality of the victim’s circulation and ensure the victim has no blocks to their airway and that they are breathing. The goal is to prevent the condition from worsening in any way. 

Prevent deterioration 

Do what you can to keep the victim in stable condition until medical professionals arrive. The goal is to prevent the condition from worsening. This may include moving the victim to a safer location, applying first aid, or even staying with them and providing comfort and company until the paramedics arrive. 

Promote recovery 

After you’ve done what you can do with first aid treatment, your job now is to promote recovery. This can be done by encouraging confidence, providing comfort, and attempting to relieve pain. 

The tips and tricks for emergency situations and first aid will differ based on each specific situation. 

car breakdown in an accident

Protect Yourself with FOUND ME

Imagine: You’re driving home from work, suddenly you hit your brakes and swerve, trying to avoid hitting a deer that decided to cross the road as you were driving 70 mph. Your car runs into a tree and you fall unconscious. You wake up in the ambulance, confused and afraid.

The paramedics want to help you but don’t know anything about you. But the bracelet can give them all of the information they need within seconds: blood type, height, weight, allergies, and other medical concerns that may be detrimental to the paramedics. Suddenly, as the braclet’s QR code is scanned, up to five emergency contacts in your phone are notified of the accident, letting them know that you have been injured.

Your parents, significant other, and friends can all be aware of your situation. FOUND ME is aware of the fact that time is of the essence, and strives to help by saving time and notifying others about you. 

FOUND ME emergency bracelets have a handful of different uses, and it’s not just for emergencies. These bracelets can be useful on kids, pets, and those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Once the bracelet is scanned, the scanner will automatically be connected to you, the parent, owner, or caretaker. 

How FOUND ME can help you in a car accident: 

  • Can provide all critical information about you necessary to the paramedics 
  • Can notify your loved ones about your accident
  • Can give you peace of mind knowing that if something does happen, your loved ones will be notified immediately and paramedics will be aware of any medical condition or allergies you may have. 

If you would like to learn more about these QR codes their mechanism and everything it has to offer, visit FOUND ME

About us

We are all at risk of losing the people pets and valuables that mean the most to us. FOUND ME was created as a global solution to tamper this risk and provide peace of mind. We exist to protect everyone and everything important in our customer’s lives.

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